Members of the NJROTC stand at attention during an annual inspection at Stephen Decatur High School in Berlin, last Thursday.
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(March 14, 2019) An annual military inspection of several dozen Stephen Decatur High School students in Berlin last Thursday resulted in an outstanding report, according to Jennifer Miller.
Miller is the booster club secretary for the Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps, or NJROTC.
LCDR Dr. Robert C. Stewart, U.S. Navy (Ret.) said it the day was important for the unit and the annual regional inspection is a significant benchmark for NJROTC programs throughout the nation.
The Stephen Decatur High School unit welcomed Region 5 NJROTC Commander Capt. James Daniels, also retired U.S. Navy, who conducted the inspection this year.
“Our cadets worked hard to prepare for the inspection, which is a formal, rigorous opportunity for cadets to shine, demonstrate various skills and knowledge, leadership, self-discipline, and positive ability to work and function in a group dynamic,” Stewart said. “These are of course important life skills and character traits that contribute to personal positive growth, development, and help aid in lifelong success and happiness, regardless of the path students may elect after graduation.”
By the end of the inspection, Stewart said, the unit “had an overall sense that we had a great day and positive experience.”
“The cadets definitely have reason to be proud of their accomplishments,” he said. “Our school administration and leadership, local government leaders, our booster club, parents, and guests from the community demonstrated terrific commitment and support to our program and the cadets themselves. We are so thankful for all of our supporters who came out to cheer us on!”
A formal report by Daniels providing the unit with a designated overall rating, along with detailed particulars, has yet to be completed, Stewart said.
“We certainly are pleased with the positive comments received from him, as well as feedback for improvements already given,” he said. “This final report will not be formally completed and returned to us for about two weeks.
“In the meantime, as we anxiously await the report [and] we are enjoying a sense of accomplishment,” he continued. “We are very grateful for the significant community support.”